Translation and Subtitles

Please review the detailed steps for translating documents and forms, and adding subtitles to ensure you can understand the content in your language.

Translate documents to your language (Google):

The Google browser has the option to translate the page into the language you prefer, as you can see below:

  1. Open the link and click on the 3 dots in the page's upper right corner.

  1. After that, you will see the dropdown with all settings available on the browsing, please activate the translator by clicking on the Google translator icon as per the image below.

  1. After you activate the translator you can access the tool by clicking on the right side from the search bar.

  1. Your computer may ask you to select the language you would like to translate, in this case you should click on the 3 dots as in the image below and chick on "Choose Another Language..."

  1. It will open a window called "Language to Translate into" you can select your language and press the "Done or translate" bottom, and you will have the page translated to your better comprehension.

Translate Eduexplora's Forms to your language :

  1. When you access any Eduexplora form or page, you can check the page's upper right corner for a dropdown with a flag.

  1. Click on the arrow down and select your language.

Translate YouTube captions to your language:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon, select “Subtitles/CC,” and then click “Auto Translate.” A list of languages you can translate into will be displayed. Select “English.”
  2. You’ll see that the subtitles have automatically been translated into English. While everything won’t be translated with 100 percent accuracy, the whole idea is that you can at least get a rough translation so you can easily follow along.
Settings > Auto-Translate
Choose your language

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